Friday, March 19, 2010

Welcome to A biker's needs

There's a hell of a lot of information out there for riders- some of it more useful than other. There are products out there that can help us out, some that are nothing but bullshit, and some are bullshit that isn't too bad anyway. I'll try to comb through it for you. I'll give you some reviews of new bikes as they become available, starting with some of the new Harley models for this year. Thing is, here you'll find no difference between riding a Harley and riding a Honda, because dammit, it's all riding, regardless of what you spent on it or where the damn thing was built. If that's a problem for you, than go ahead and move on, because this writer feels that the new Yamaha Vmax is quite possibly the baddest bike that ever lived, while the Harley Softail Deluxe is about as smooth as a ride can get. This is about OUR needs, the customs that define our lifestyle, the rides we long to try. Let's get to it.

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